HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
Official Forms Requests:
The Alabama Department of Motor Vehicles requires proof of enrollment to obtain a learner's permit and/or driver's license. Please familiarize yourself with student driving regulations HERE.
You may request the required document using THIS FORM.
Per Alabama LAW, students ages 14-15 require a Work Permit. You may request the appropriate certification using the form found HERE.
IF you plan to transfer to another school, per the registration agreement, you
must complete the following steps BEFORE requesting a transcript:
1. Submit your child(ren)'s last semester grades.
2. Complete this WITHDRAWAL FORM, sign it, and mail it to:
HOPE Christian Academy
Attention: Records Transfer
2317 Meridian Street, Suite 2104
Huntsville, AL 35811
3. Upon receipt of your completed Withdrawal Form, you may
request an Official Transcript (see request form below).
Please note that NO records requests/transcript requests will be honored until all fees and charges owed to HOPE Christian Academy are cleared. NO Express Transcript Requests will be honored from August 1-15 or December 20-January 1.
The FIRST official transcript is FREE! After the first transcript or official form is requested, a fee of $15 will be assessed prior to fulfilling that request. Transcript requests will ONLY be honored from parent/guardian or from the student if they are at least 18 years old at the time of the request. Official transcripts will ONLY be mailed to a SCHOOL address. Unofficial transcripts may be emailed to the parent's email address on file for the same charge as Official Transcripts (first one free).
NO Express Transcript/Forms Requests will be honored August 1-15 or December 20-Januar 1.
Request the following forms HERE:
* Official Transcripts
* Dual Enrollment Paperwork
* VA Dependent Enrollment Verification
* Social Security Enrollment Verification