HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
Graduation Requirements for
HOPE Christian Academy
Please feel free to use the Graduation Audit form at this to help you plan your high school class schedule. This form was created by HOPE Christian Academy to help our students maximize their academic success, but may also be used by students of other schools for planning purposes. You may use it online OR you may choose to download it to your computer for use offline.
HOPE Christian Academy uses the Carengie Unit to evaluate credits. Under the Carnegie Unit system, High School Credits are considered a minimum of 120 classroom hours. In a Public School setting that equates to 5 days of 1 hour long classes for 24 weeks. These credits may be from home instruction, online studies, or external coursework. All High School Credit Courses must be submitted through our High School Credit Reporting Form.
Here is a list of suggested elective classes:
Christian Philosophy, Astronomy Geology, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Physics, Accounting, Drafting, CAD, Elementary Statistics, Business English, Creative Writing, Literature, World History, Ancient Civilizations, Religion, Bible, Geography, Geology, Sociology, Economics, Government, Military History, European History, Aviation History, American History, Earth Science, Biology Pathology, Anatomy, Physical Science, Anatomy, Nutrition, Child Care, Parenting Skills, Home Economics, Sewing, Culinary Studies, Maternal Studies, Human Behavior, Criminal Justice, Ecology, Psychology, Chemistry, Word Processing, Computer Programming, SAT/ACT Prep Courses, Wilderness Survival, Environment Study, Photography, Native American Studies, Fine Arts, Music Theory, Music Classes (instrument specific), Theater, Speech, Financial Management, CPR/First Aid, PE, Sign Language, Latin Studies, Woodworking, Automotive, Volunteering, Shop, and participation in choirs, bands, and sports teams.
This list is NOT comprehensive. There are SO many opportunities for educational advancement!
HOPE Christian Academy provides a FREE first transcript. Please use the Transcript Request form on the Online Reporting Forms page of this website. Transcripts are for high school students ONLY. While there are several transcript forms available online, students may NOT use the HOPE Christian Academy name on those forms. Only transcripts generated by HOPE Christian Academy (and bearing the embossed school seal) are valid transcripts. Use of the HOPE Christian Academy name on transcripts not generated by HOPE Christian Academy constitutes academic fraud, and will result in disenrollment.
Calhoun Community College, Wallace State College, Snead State College, UAH, and many more colleges have "Dual Enrollment" options available. These classes will give the student college credit AND will count towards and Advanced College Prep Diploma during High School at HOPE Christian Academy. Call our offic for more information 256-513-9212.