HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR!
HOPE Christian Academy is a is a community education outreach of ministry of Union Grove Baptist Church, New Market. Why should you choose HOPE Christian Academy?
* Tuition $100 Per Family Per Year
* Bi-Annual Online Reporting
* Responsive Leadership
* FREE Teacher ID Cards
* FREE First Transcript
* Easy Personalized Support
* Legal Church School Enrollment
* Convenient Online Registration
* Curriculum Flexibility
* FREE Graduation Ceremony
* FREE Blank Report Cards
* FREE Diploma
* Late Registration Fee of $25
Please feel free to call our Director, Constance Gillon (256) 513-9212 with any questions.
HOPE Christian Academy is a church school in Alabama offering a family based education program for grades K-12.
AL Code 16-28-1"...(B) The term church school, as used in this chapter, shall mean and only include such schools as offer instruction in grades K-12, or any combination thereof including the kindergarten, elementary, or secondary level and are operated as a ministry of a local church, group of churches, denomination, and/or association of churches of a nonprofit basis which do not receive any state or federal funding." (School Code1 927, Section 302; Code 1940, T. 52, Section 299.)
For more information about AL church school laws: HSLDA Interpretation
We believe in the right of parents to make all educational choices. We encourage parents to take active responsibility for the education of their children.
Genesis 18:19 (NIV) "For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
What we expect from Parent Educators:
Attendance: Though state law stipulates a 180-day school year for public and private schools, no requirement exists for church schools. We recommend 160 days not counting sick days or teacher days at the sole discretion of the Parent Teacher. Attendance Reports are due January 15th and June 15th. Reports not received by the 30th could prevent re-enrollment or result in disenrollment.
ALABAMA 16-28-8. "Reports required must be furnished. All school officers, including those in private
schools, or private tutors, but not those in church schools, in this state, offering instruction to pupils
within the compulsory attendance ages, shall make and furnish all reports the may be required by the
state superintendent of education and by the county superintendent of education or by the board of
education of any city with reference to the workings of this chapter. The principal teacher of each public
school, private school, church school, and each private tutor shall keep an attendance register showing
the enrollment of the school and every absence of each enrolled child from school for a half day or more
during each school day of the year. (School Code 1927, Section 310; Code 1940, T. 52, Section 307.)
ATTENDANCE/GRADE REPORTS: Although not required by Alabama law, progress reports are a valuable tool and are required by South Carolina law. Help with curriculum selection is available, but we believe in your ability as a parent to tailor your curriculum to your student's learning style. Progress reports using letter grades only are due on January 15 and June 15. Reports not received by the 30th could prevent re-enrollment or result in disenrollment.
OFFICIAL SCHOOL CALENDAR: Our academic school year begins August 1 and ends July 31. Enrollment to HOPE Christian Academy is open year round. Registration after August 1st will include a $25 Late Registration Fee.
Changing schools: The law requires all church schools to notify the local public school administration if there is any change in a child's enrollment status. You are required to officially withdraw in writing from HOPE Christian Academy if your child changes schools during the period of enrollment. You will find the Withdrawal Form here. Tuition, once enrolled, is non-refundable.
REGISTER TODAY! By submitting the Registration Form online, you agree to abide by the regulations of HOPE Christian Academy. Your submission of this application is a certification of your desire to educate your children with HOPE Christian Academy.