HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
HOPE Co-Op Classes
Due to safety concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, the HOPE Christian Academy Cooperative Teaching Day will open registration as usual, but will not confirm registration until August 1st. The health and safety of our students is our top priority. That being said, we will only host HOPE Co-Op if it is clear that our students are safe to take classes together. We may offer a virtual option for select classes on Tuesdays. All facilities fees and supply fees (paid directly to the teachers) will be due the week of August 1-7. Thank you for your patience and understanding. May the Lord bless us all with good health and a cure for COVID-19.
Enrollment IS OPEN for Fall 2021.
HOPE Christian Academy has a Cooperative Teaching Day every Tuesday. Registration in HOPE Christian Academy's Church School is a requirement for Cooperative participation. In 2021-22 we will meet on Tuesdays at Union Grove Baptist Church, New Market, Alabama. For more information about the HOPE Christian Academy Co-Op, call Constance Gillon (256) 513-9212.
The HOPE Co-Op deadline for registration, and payment of registration fees for FALL Semester is August 1st, and SPRING Semester is December 15th.
You may review our 2021-22 class schedule
1. You must register with the HOPE Christian Academy church school HERE. If you have not already registered for the church school, you may pay your tuition upon registration availability.
2. You must complete the following HOPE Co-Op Registration Form:
First semester classes begin the first Tuesday of September and finish the second Tuesday of December. Current members have class space priority until June 1st.
Second semester classes begin the Tuesday of January and finish the end of April. Current members have space priority until December 1st.
The HOPE Co-Op Facilities Fee is only $35 per student per semester. Only those enrolled with HOPE Christian Academy are eligible to participate in the HOPE Co-Op. Families MAY, however, be dual enrolled with another school while participating in the HOPE Co-Op. Each family is required to teach one class or assist in teaching two class hours (Preschool is no longer an option). Families with Preschool aged children must volunteer for at least 1 hour (in addition to other commitments) in the Nursery. The Nursery is only available to younger siblings of those enrolled in classes, as we do not have Preschool classes.
For more information, please contact Constance Gillon (256) 513-9212.